CLM Initialization#

in pysndlib.clm

There are a number of default settings when using the library, particularly when using the Sound context manager. These defaults are stored in a simple-namespace called default.

While many of these can also be set in individual calls to with Sound, they can also be set globally. For instance, if you want to change the default sample rate to 48kHz put this statement in your code.


clm.default.srate = 48000

clm.default.sample_type = Sample.BDOUBLE

clm.default.channels = 2
default.file_name = 'test.wav'#

Output file name

default.srate = 44100#

Output sampling rate

default.channels = 1#

Channels in output

default.sample_type = 12#

Output sample data type

default.header_type = 3#

Output header type

default.verbose = False#

Print out some info = False#

If True, play the sound automatically

default.statistics = False#

If True, print info at end of with-sound (compile time, maxamps)

default.reverb = None#

Reverb instrument

default.reverb_channels = 1#

Chans in the reverb intermediate file

default.reverb_data = None#

Arguments passed to the reverb

default.reverb_file_name = 'test.rev'#

Reverb intermediate output file name

default.table_size = 512#

Default size for wavetables

default.buffer_size = 65536#

Buffer size for file IO

default.locsig_type = 1#

Locsig panning mode

default.clipped = False#

Whether to clip samples if out of range

default.player = 'afplay'#

Process to use for file playback

default.output = False#

Default output for output gens

default.delete_reverb = False#

If True, delete reverb file